SONAR Qube Integration — iOS Projects (with Code Coverage)

Rakesh Chander
2 min readOct 23, 2020


XCode 11 & above

Static Code Analysis tool — SONAR — is being used by Organisations for tracking Code Reliability, Security, Maintainability & Technical Debt. We have Code Coverage synced on SONAr as well.

For iOS Projects, we can have this sync working by following below steps -

  • Download SONAR SCANNER at machine
  • Create file and place that at project root
  • Add below key-values in properties file -
  • Open Terminal & change directory to your project
  • Execute below command
bash $HOME/Documents/Sonar/sonar*/bin/sonar-scanner

You are DONE!! you can now check your SONAR Qube Portal for analysis details.

Code Coverage Sync

Xcode has its own file format for code coverage — xcresult.

SONAR doesn’t understand this file structure and this file needs to be mapped as per SONAR syntax. We need to convert xcresult file into required format.

  • Create a file and paste below code
#!/usr/bin/env bashset -euo pipefailfunction convert_file {local xccovarchive_file="$1"local file_name="$2"echo "  <file path=\"$file_name\">"local line_coverage_cmd="xcrun xccov view"if [[ $@ == *".xcresult"* ]]; thenline_coverage_cmd="$line_coverage_cmd --archive"filine_coverage_cmd="$line_coverage_cmd --file \"$file_name\" \"$xccovarchive_file\""eval $line_coverage_cmd | \sed -n 's/^ *\([0-9][0-9]*\): 0.*$/    <lineToCover lineNumber="\1" covered="false"\/>/p;s/^ *\([0-9][0-9]*\): [1-9].*$/    <lineToCover lineNumber="\1" covered="true"\/>/p'echo '  </file>'}function xccov_to_generic {echo '<coverage version="1">'for xccovarchive_file in "$@"; dolocal file_list_cmd="xcrun xccov view"if [[ $@ == *".xcresult"* ]]; thenfile_list_cmd="$file_list_cmd --archive"fifile_list_cmd="$file_list_cmd --file-list \"$xccovarchive_file\""eval $file_list_cmd | while read -r file_name; doconvert_file "$xccovarchive_file" "$file_name"donedoneecho '</coverage>'}xccov_to_generic "$@"
  • Execute Tests using below command (Note that derivedDataPath has been defined to make sure xcresult file is generated at defined location)
xcodebuild -workspace <WORKSPACE_NAME>.xcworkspace -scheme <SCHEME_NAME> clean test -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=14.0'  -enableCodeCoverage YES  -derivedDataPath Build/
  • After executing Tests with Code Coverage enabled, execute below command
bash Build/Logs/Test/*.xcresult/ > sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml
  • Above command will generate a file named “sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml” at project root.
  • Make below entry in sonar-properties file
  • Execute SONAR using sonar-scanner again as stated above

You’ll see that Code Coverage has also been synced and now you can see uncovered lines in SONAR portal.



Rakesh Chander
Rakesh Chander

Written by Rakesh Chander

I believe in modular development practices for better reusability, coding practices, robustness & scaling — inline with automation.

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